Author Archives: Martijn op het Roodt
EF6 Code First Adding Indexes

Code first is a real great way of developing your data model with Entity Framework. But to add some things into the migrations-files isn’t handy in my opinion. Because sometimes its necessary to remove or rebuild all migrations from scratch and you just remove all Migrations-files and the __MigrationHistory table in the database and use Add-Migration […]

WordPress vs Umbraco

I was forced to build my new MOHR2IT website in WordPress because of some infrastructural choices I’ve made in the past. I’m satisfied about the new design and also satisfied about the hosting provider But nevertheless I’m still a huge fan of the CMS Umbraco. When I have some more time I will expand […]

Unittest fail or work on different machines VS2010

Ever had the problem that some unittest fails on your machine and work on a other developers machines? Just stop searching. In VS2010 Click with the right mouse button on your solution and choose Batch Build:           Clean the build and rebuild. Rerun your unittests. Thats it, Martijn

Supporting multiple sites with a single SSL Certificate

Just want to share this helpful information.

Expressions in the Mock results

A very powerful way is using expressions in the result of a Mock. Of course as an alternative you can use a callback which gives a numerable result but just using the expression by passing it as a predicate is great. For example, a Where statement in your code. And you want the result to […]

Automatic deployment with Endeavour

On the current project we are working with Endeavour 5.4. For enabling an automatic deployment with TFS build server we’ve added a custom.proj to the solution. Within this custom.proj file commands are embedded for copying and altering sql.

Using dynamic Table attribute with entity framework

Also wanted to use some dynamic into the Entity Framework Table attribute like this: using the following app-setting from web.config This will end up with the following error: An attribute argument must be a constant expression, typeof expression or array creation expression of an attribute parameter type Instead create the following class: and now you […]

AMQP Messaging with Apache QPID

I’m working for a Kenteq at a large TAS3 project. Their using AMQP Messaging with Apache QPID. It’s a great way of connecting business systems across multiple domains on a very flexible way. I found following handy site which helped me a lot to set up an environment quickly: Introduction to AMQP for .Net developers […]

idleTimeout – jQuery Idle Session Auto Timeout with Prompt

On my current project at Nike in Hilversum i’ve implemented a bunch of Telerik MVC Grids with lots of Ajax calls. Then I needed the best way to do some Session Timeout checking within the javascript. I think I’ve found a very nice way to do this with following link: So Phil Palmieri, thanks […]

Send emails with MVC views

In July I wrote about a nice way to send emails with templates and found a nice solution but the topic seems to be disappeared 🙁 Have a look at Scott Hanselman which describes other tooling for this:

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